Mader Southeast
Our Approach to Safety

“Like any responsible Florida contractor, maintaining a safe workplace is systemic in our company’s values. From our offices and warehouses, to all of Mader’s construction sites, our project management and field management teams are committed to protocols that best ensure worker safety.”
From the desk of Timothy Bernardi
40 Years of Operating Experience
Partnering to Create Safe Environments
With 40 years of operating experience, our company believes that effective safety programs begin with a strong partnership between a project’s general contractors and subcontractors.
Mader Southeast takes great pride in its relationships with the safety professionals who work for many of Florida’s most successful construction companies. Because of those relationships, Mader has enjoyed an exceptional level of success coordinating safety programs and ensuring the development of new ideas and approaches with both general contractors and other trades.
Beyond its own business operations, Mader’s safety leaders have become active participants in the Central Florida community of construction safety professionals. From Mader’s active and visible participation at the Alliance for Central Florida Safety Safety Day event to its membership in the Central Florida Chapter of the American Society of Safety Professionals, to its support for Manos a la Obra (Orlando’s Spanish language safety committee), our company has consistently demonstrated its belief that there is foundational power that comes from maintaining a community of committed safety leaders.

Educate & Enforce. Respect & Reward.
At Mader, we understand that nothing manages risk quite as effectively as a competent workforce.
From our frontline associates, to project management and field leaders, to executive level personnel, our experienced team has invested in technical training programs to ensure proper hazard management.
The safety training content presented in our Mader University program encourages individual associates to expand their technical skillsets, leading to safer construction sites.